Photos: Ankawa.com
"The government must take the necessary security measures to ensure that all families can return to their homes and to their work and that children can return to school."
This is the appeal of a Kirkuk Chaldean priest, Father Janan Shamil, in favor of the Christians in Mosul forced to flee by the violence of recent weeks that caused deaths and destruction. "In these days - said to SIR Father Shamil - the archbishop of Kirkuk of the Chaldeans, Mgr. Louis Sako, is visiting, along with two other priests, the families of refugees repaired from Mosul to Qaraqush, Bartl, Alqosh, Talusqf, Batnaia and Telkef." "A visit of solidarity that enabled them to donate to these families a sum of 20 million Iraqi dinars, equivalent to about 16 thousand U.S. dollars, collected during the masses and the meetings in the parishes." "It is not a big sum - states the priest - but it is nevertheless a relief to the suffering that we can read on their faces, especially those of the elderly and the children. It is urgent to restore hope to these people and the Government must take the necessary security measures to ensure that all families can return to their homes and to their work and that children can return to school."