By Baghdadhope*
Padre Ragheed Aziz Ganni era nato a Mosul nel 1972 dove si era laureato in ingegneria nel 1993. A seguito della sua vocazione sacerdotale nel 1996 era stato inviato per motivi di studio presso il Pontificio Collegio Irlandese di Roma dall’allora vescovo di Mosul, Monsignor George Garmou. Nella capitale Padre Ganni aveva studiato all’Università Pontificia
S. Tommaso d'Aquino "Angelicum" dove aveva ottenuto la licenza in Teologia Ecumenica. Nel 2002 era stato ordinato sacerdote nella Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli a Roma e successivamente era tornato in Iraq per servire la sua chiesa a Mosul dove è rimasto, tranne per alcuni brevi periodi, fino alla sua morte. Anni fa sua sorella era stata gravemente ferita in un attentato e la famiglia pochi mesi fa aveva lasciato Mosul per trasferirsi nel villaggio di origine. Destinato a proseguire ed approfondire i suoi studi a Roma lo scorso anno aveva rinunciato per il clima di pericolo che sempre di più stava colpendo Mosul, una rinuncia temporanea visto che era in previsione una sua permanenza a Roma il prossimo anno.
Father Ragheed Aziz Ganni was born in Mosul in 1972. In the same city he graduated in engineering in 1993. To follow his vocation in 1996 he was sent by the by then bishop of Mosul, Mgr. George Garmou to study at the Pontifical Irish College in Rome. In the Italian capital he studied at the Pontifical University of Thomas Aquinas "Angelicum" getting a licence in Ecumenical Theology. In 2002 he was ordained priest in Santa Maria degli Angeli Basilica in Rome and afterwards he went back to Iraq to serve his church and there remained, a part from some short periods, until his death. Some years ago his sister was severely injured in an outrage and some months ago his family had moved from Mosul to the village of origin. Destined to continue his studies in Rome last year he gave up for the dangerous and daily worsen atmosphere in Mosul, a temporary giving up as he was going to come back to Rome to study in 2008
Father Ragheed Aziz Ganni was born in Mosul in 1972. In the same city he graduated in engineering in 1993. To follow his vocation in 1996 he was sent by the by then bishop of Mosul, Mgr. George Garmou to study at the Pontifical Irish College in Rome. In the Italian capital he studied at the Pontifical University of Thomas Aquinas "Angelicum" getting a licence in Ecumenical Theology. In 2002 he was ordained priest in Santa Maria degli Angeli Basilica in Rome and afterwards he went back to Iraq to serve his church and there remained, a part from some short periods, until his death. Some years ago his sister was severely injured in an outrage and some months ago his family had moved from Mosul to the village of origin. Destined to continue his studies in Rome last year he gave up for the dangerous and daily worsen atmosphere in Mosul, a temporary giving up as he was going to come back to Rome to study in 2008