His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, addressed the Iraqi Christians from the tomb of St. Peter in Rome:
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers,
the midst of today’s society that mixes values, looking for money,
control, and power, all what the Bible describe as “the spirit of the
world”, I invite you all to read carefully and “in depth” your faith, in
order to discover what Christ awaits from your daily life “to be guided
by the Spirit” (Galatians 5: 16-25). The Bible defines our Lord with
two words: “God is love” and invites us to live in love freely and
joyfully, as Jesus’ disciples were doing. We must express this love with
joy, simplicity, mercy and peace. This can be achieved when we live in
harmony with ourselves and with each other, and when we are undivided,
but rather equipped with awareness, patience and perseverance.
beloved, I call upon you to keep your faith and joy even at the
difficult circumstances, and not to allow anyone or anything to “steal”
your treasure or to blow out your joy. Trust in God with full submission
of yourself, your Church and your country, since He is your Father, and
you are in His Holy Hands. This is your Christian vocation and your
mission, so your life turns into grace, blessing and bear fruits
On 22 June 2018, Pope Francis said, during his meeting with the 109th General Assembly of the R.O.A.C.O (Riunione Opere Aiuto Chiese Orientali)
Organization for the Assistance of the Eastern Churches: “The Eastern
Catholic Churches represents a living testimony for the apostolic
descendants or roots?, and therefore they are called to rediscover their
prophetic presence in the places where they are heading to as
pilgrimage. So, let us go forth towards faith, love, trust and hope”.
this occasion, I invite all churches and Christian political parties to
meet and dialogue in order to unite their stances according to Jesus’
teachings, and to hold on to their homeland and their Iraqi identity,
because divisions are not appropriate for those who have the spirit of
A Special Word for the Chaldeans
My Beloved,
Meditate on the greetings of Pope Francis, when he said: “I salute the Iraqi people, and embrace all the Chaldeans”. Saluto il popolo iracheno e abbraccio tutti i caldei.
Be at the level of this heartfelt salutation addressed to you by Pope
Francis. Similarly, when we visited Pope Benedict XVI, at his
headquarters, He asked me: “How are the Chaldeans? I am praying daily
for peace in Iraq”.
are fortunate that the Church is concerned about you, so take care of
yourselves, love each another and cooperate. Stop criticizing, and if
there is sort of criticism, there are channels to convey your
suggestions … I assure you that despite all the harsh conditions we
experience, there are spots of light and signs of hope that we should
recognize and work together to enlarge it.
on to your faith and your Chaldean identity, but without fanaticism.
Get out of the “regional” mentality, as it is enough to be sons of the
civilization of Babylon and Assyria, to be Christians and Chaldeans, the
descendants of Abraham, the Father of Faith.
up and prove your love, unity and persistence in reviving your country
and the Chaldeans, by deeds not by words. Also, support the Chaldean
League morally, intellectually and financially to play its cultural,
humanitarian and social role. Bear your historical and national
responsibilities, and let the Church assume its other responsibilities.
Personally, I will spare no effort in serving you to the end. I embrace all of you and ask God to enlighten and protect you all.
I invite all Christians to meditate on St. Ephrem prayer: “O
Lord, make the harmony between people to take place in our time, so
that they may be truly one nation, gather your children around you to
give thanks to your righteousness”. If all the sons of light were
united, their brightness is enough to combat darkness.
His Eminence will address a letter to all Iraqis.