"La situazione sta peggiorando. Gridate con noi che i diritti umani sono calpestati da persone che parlano in nome di Dio ma che non sanno nulla di Lui che è Amore, mentre loro agiscono spinti dal rancore e dall'odio.
Gridate: Oh! Signore, abbi misericordia dell'Uomo."

Mons. Shleimun Warduni
Baghdad, 19 luglio 2014

5 luglio 2023

IRAQ: Ankawa Youth Meeting concludes with inspiring Divine Liturgy and Chaldean Archbishop’s call for youth empowerment

July 3, 2023

The annual Ankawa Youth Meeting in Iraq drew to a close with a captivating Divine Liturgy led by Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil, Bashar Warda, alongside participating clergy.
Recognized as the largest gathering of Chaldean–Syriac–Assyrian youth, this year’s event took place at the esteemed Mor Elijah Chaldean Shrine. 
Over a thousand young men and women from various Chaldean archdioceses in Iraq eagerly participated.
The meeting featured enlightening speeches by clergy, engaging interventions, and thought-provoking dialogue sessions among the youth. In addition, the vibrant talents of the youth from different parishes were showcased, along with a variety of enjoyable entertainment activities.
Concluding the event, Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda delivered an impassioned speech, expressing heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the meeting. He emphasized the vital role of the youth in Christian upbringing, underscoring their significance in shaping the future of the faith community.