
31 dicembre 2020

Patriarch Sako on the New Year’s Day and Peace International Day: No Peace without Raising Awareness of Peace and Non-violence Culture

Photo Chaldean Patriarchate
Unfortunately, our world and our country are witnessing a frantic and sometimes an armed race for power and money, rather than providing services.
There is no real peace unless we get rid of this “fatal” selfishness in order to consolidate true fraternity among us.
Peace is an essential and ultimate goal for every human being, and without it there is no stable life and no progress.
However, to achieve it, people must be educated intellectually, religiously and socially on fraternity values, tolerance, non-violence and synergy, in addition to improving alertness of the importance of these principles for a pleasant life. 

Religiously: The mission of religions is to spread and consolidate a culture of peace, fraternity and love.
A true “faithful” – but not someone who use religion as an umbrella to hide his interests-, peace lives within him, reflects it in his surroundings and with everyone who communicates with.
This sort of spirituality fills his heart with comfort and joy: “Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be recognized as children of God” (Matthew 5/ 9).

From this Standpoint, Spiritual Leaders Must: 
1. Purify religious ideas from “teaching programs” that are overwhelmed with misconceptions and traditional opinions; renew religious speeches to accommodate the contemporary requirements, in a way that suits people’s lives, dignity and realize their good without affecting its dogma. 
2. Promote human and national common “believes”; spread spiritual tolerance, and affection; patriotism; and respect religious and intellectual pluralism.

The Government: Should assume its full responsibilities in protecting all citizens according to the logic of citizenship, law and institutions; as well as respecting their rights and dignity.

This formation should focus on shared commitment and being open-minded to build peace, stop wars and protect human rights, through education in the family (home school), regular schools, Churches, Mosques and media. In his message for the 54th World Day of Peace marked on 1 January 2021, Pope Francis stated: “At the beginning of the new year, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to Presidents, Prime Ministers, Heads of International Organizations, Spiritual Leaders and believers of different religions, women and men of good will. I send you my warmest wishes that this year will advance on the path of fraternity, justice and peace between individuals, communities, peoples and nations”. 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, especially due to the consequences of the Corona pandemic, and absurd conflicts. We hope that the new year 2021 will be less stressful, and the situation will be better, so we can enjoy “normal life”.
Therefore, I ask you to pray, may peace dwell in the hearts of people, Iraq, the Middle East and the world, so that the walls of hatred and violence will fall down forever.
I also request prayers for the success of Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq, in a hope that this country will be different afterwards.

 Happy New Year for you, Iraq and the whole world