
9 agosto 2010

Syriac Catholic church damaged in Basra by a bomb

By Baghdadhope*

Source of the news and photo:

According to what referred to the website by the Syriac Catholic priest Father Zakaria Sulaqa his church, located in the centre of Basra, suffered extensive damage when, on Saturday evening, a bomb exploded near to it.
The Iraqi city of Basra was the scene of serious violence on Saturday and counted, security officials said, 114 people dead or injured involved in attacks by car bombs, improvised explosive devices (IED) and Katyusha rockets but there were no injuried or dead, apart from some minor injuries suffered by the same Father Zakaria, among the faithful of the Church.

According to the site in these same days Christians jewelers are fleeing the city of Mosul. These artisans who until now survived in the city are now reopening their businesses in the Christian town of Qaraqosh.
Iraqi Christians use to buy gold and silver especially for the wedding ceremonies but, as reported by a trader who wished to remain anonymous for safety reasons: "the state of insecurity in Mosul, the lack of customers and the blackmails have pushed many artisans to leave the city."