
13 ottobre 2008

1.000 policemen in Mosul to protect Christians

Source: SIR

One thousand policemen in Mosul to protect the Christian minority that for days, by now, has been hit by planned murders, violence and threats. This was decided by the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who also opened an investigation to shed light on the attacks. A note from the Prime Minister’s Office states that “two brigades of the national police have been deployed in Mosul, which is considered by the USA and the Iraqi government to be Al Qaeda’s last stronghold in the country”. According to the provincial governor, Duraid Kashmula, “about one thousand Christian families have left Mosul due to this wave of violence, the worst since the outburst of the war in 2003”. The military headquarters of Mosul state that they do not know who is behind such anti-Christian violence, but that they hope however they will protect the Christians. In the meantime, also yesterday, Benedict XVI made an appeal for Christian who are persecuted all over the world, with special reference to India and Iraq.