
6 aprile 2020

Easter and Corona The need for Self – critic and Change

By Chaldean Patriarchate

Louis Raphael Card. Sako 

 In spite of all precautions against Coronavirus all over the world, this pandemic is still killing thousands of people; infecting much more; and continues to threaten human health, social life and economy. Additionally, thousands of people lose their jobs and livelihood on daily basis. Therefore, the whole world must realize the seriousness of this contagious disease before is too late, in order to make the right decisions in combating it. Humanity needs an awakening for its rebirth.
 Easter of Resurrection
although Christians around the world are not able to celebrate these important liturgical events as they used to do annually due to the current situation, they keep praying at their homes, making their hope as a real “Pass-Over”: from darkness to light; from fragility to strength; from illness to health; from suffering to freedom; from selfishness to altruism and from isolation to fraternal solidarity, so as people can live together with love, respect, peace and joy. 

 Self-critic and Hope
Self-criticism should be everyone’s “duty”, since morals have been falling back, marked by corruption, greed, stealing public money, violence, threats, murders, displacement, divorce, abortion, etc. Since, we have distanced God from our world or hanged our mistakes on Him! Hence, Easter and Corona lesson is nothing more than an invitation for a full conversion to God to the principles of our faith, spirituality and real morals, as we prepare for a better future. 

 Political Leaders
Shouldn’t Lose their Humanity, but rather to grab the opportunity of Coronavirus outbreak as well as wars and conflicts in more than one country, leaving thousands of dead and injured victims, millions of displaced people and massive damage to infrastructure, to have a moment of reflection in 
reviewing, analysing and criticising their policies and strategies. It is time to correct their approaches and find the right solutions for respecting life in all its forms; protect the environment by fighting pollution and climate change; and stop encouraging deadly weapons production that generate death.<

It is time for the world leaders to respect human rights and to adopt appropriate laws towards a world without: wars, conflicts, dead, fear, and poverty. Instead, they should look for a comprehensive plan to build a peaceful and prosperous world, where social justice can be applied and clean environment can be sustained for a better future, in accordance with Pope Francis encyclical letter of 2015, Laudatory Si’ “on caring for our Common House”.
 The coincidence of having Easter during the catastrophe of Coronavirus might result in enlightening our insights, so we can rise from our stumble, stronger and more determined to bear the full responsibility for the humankind and the whole world.
Let us pray for the rebirth of humanity and the revival of our world.

I wish you all a blessed Easter and a prompt recovery from coronavirus. 

 May God protect Iraq and the whole world.