
19 luglio 2018

Home Office finally grants visa to Iraqi nun after rejecting her twice

By Catholic Herald

An Iraqi nun who was forced to flee Islamic State in 2014 has finally been granted entry into Britain after being denied twice.

Sister Ban Madleen previously applied for a UK visa to visit her sick sister but was refused permission in March. A second application for a month-long trip to see her sister and sister’s family was denied last month.
Fr Benedict Kiely, founder of, confirmed on Twitter:

Some good news for the day - Sister Ban Madleen from Iraq received her visa to visit her family in Britain for a month. Sad that it needed publicity and the intervention of J. Rees Mogg MP to get a victim of ISIS permission to visit her family in the U.K.

Sister Ban’s case had been taken up by Conservative MPs Jacob Rees-Mogg and Sir Edward Leigh. Sir Edward raised the issue in the House of Commons on Monday, the same day her visa was granted.