
22 dicembre 2017

Iran’s Inroads into Christian Iraq

By The American Interest
Yousif  Kalian

n the past few weeks, Iraqi federal forces and the militias who fight under the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) umbrella have taken back most of the disputed territory that the Kurdistan Region had hoped to incorporate into a future state. These disputed territories include the Nineveh Plains area, the heartland of Christianity in Iraq and a multiethnic series of farming villages bordering the city of Mosul. The forces crossed the Ba’ashiqa line and reached the town of Teleskuf, where Peshmerga forces began to fire on the advancing Iraqi forces. Hundreds of Christians who had recently moved back to the town rebuilt by the Hungarian government had to flee the crossfire with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Speedy intervention by the United States prevented the clashes from turning into a full-scale battle.

Yousif Kalian is researcher who focuses on Iraq, Syria, Kurdish issues, and religious minorities. He currently works for In Defense of Christians and has been published in The American Interest, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, and elsewhere.