
9 maggio 2016

Appointment of Archbishop Shlemon A. Warduni as the Apostolic Administrator to the Chaldean Diocese of St. Peter the Apostle in San Diego / USA

His Holiness Pope Francis accepted, according to CCEO 210 §1, the “reaching legal age”, resignation of H.E. Bishop Sarhad Joseph Jammo, Bishop of the Chaldean St. Peter Diocese of San Diego, and nominated H.E. Archbishop Shlemon Audish Warduni as the Apostolic Administrator until the appointment of a new bishop for this beloved diocese. On this occasion, we would like to thank H.E. Bishop Jammo for his dedication in serving the Church and wish him a happy long life. Also, we extend our wishes to H.E. Archbishop Warduni so that he will accomplish his mission productively and successfully.
Archbishop Warduni was born in Batnaya, Iraq 24 April 1943, ordained priest 29 June 1968 and bishop 16 February 2001.
Bishop Jammo was born in Baghdad, Iraq 14 March 1941, ordained priest 19 December 1964 and bishop 18 July 2002.

To the Priests, Monks, Nuns, Deacons, Daughters and Sons of St. Peter the Apostle Chaldean Diocese in
 San Diego / USA

“Grace be with you” (Col 4:18)
 Sisters / Brothers
1.    Knowing that the Chaldean Church “Church of Martyrs” is open-minded, cooperative and honestly effective, we need to hold tight on the one holy Catholic Church, because tearing it into scattered groups is a serious sin. We understand that our people in diaspora are scattered and separated by distances, where the foreign culture helps independency and the split-up. However, what the Chaldean Church needs today is to come together, organize the “Chaldean Home”, and strengthen it based on the church canons to avoid untruthful criticism and splitting.
2.    Our relationships as faithful and clergy should be characterized by love and cooperation to face the accelerating challenges, changes and risks. Love remains an open call for every human being, especially at this extraordinary jubilee year of mercy, every one of us is called to reconcile and ask forgiveness for offending others and deviating from the teaching of Christ. This kind of relationship would enable us to feel the peace, unity and respect the enriching diversity. Such spirituality provides us with strength, confidence as well as inspiring us to serve and move ahead.
3.    As a Father and Head of such a big family “the Chaldean Church”, I call you, daughters and sons, of St. Peter the Apostle Diocese in the Western United States of America for reconciliation, so that love will guide you to renew your relationship with each other, with your diocese and with your mother church. I invite you also to let the risen Jesus Christ dwell in your hearts and run your life according to His teaching, equipped with a strong believe that He is our Christian identity and the only shepherd of the church.
4.    I am appealing to you my beloved, to put the past behind, and to open new page in your relationships by going back to the fountain of your faith and hope, as well as the Traditions of your Chaldean Church. I also call you to support and stand by your displaced brothers in the homeland who are suffering and facing serious threat in addition to the refugees in neighboring countries. It is a moral responsibility that you have to share and not to let them feel abandoned.
5.    I would like particularly to direct this message to the "conscience" of monks and priests who disobeyed the church and left their dioceses and monasteries. I call them to focus on what is more essential, to think carefully about their responsibilities as consecrated to Christ and invite them to keep Jesus alive in their hearts in order to overcome all the obstacles that prevent them from accomplishing their mission profoundly, even if it is an eye, hand, etc. (Mt 5:29-30), or money, position, friendship etc. It is unreasonable that they select their priesthood or monastic life according to their measures and their satisfaction: "Please do not let anyone separate you from your original dioceses or monasteries. Your future is not connected to a certain country or passport since it won’t last forever”. Your future relies on the Lord and on bearing a witness to Christ not only by words but by example, in denying yourselves, loving and serving your people, especially those in need. Besides, in these troubling circumstances I would like to see every one of you as an alerted shepherd watching the signs of the times discovering the meanings of them, like the prophets, and delivering the message to faithful.
6.    Dear beloved, I hope that you receive my words with an open heart and alert mind. His Holiness, Pope Francis has appointed H.E. Archbishop Shlemon A. Warduni as your Apostolic Administrator. Please pray that he will accomplish his mission successfully and would appreciate your work with him as one team, similar to the disciples when they came together after the confusion of crucifixion “They all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14). We sincerely hope things will go back to its’ excellent beginning.
7.    On this occasion, I have the pleasure of extending my gratitude to H.E. Bishop Sarhad Y. Jammo, who served this particular diocese for about fourteen years and has worked diligently on some remarkable projects, such as, the seminary, convent for consecrated males and females in addition to various cultural activities. Now that H.E. is stepping into a new phase of his life and ministry, I assure him that the Chaldean Bishops and I will pray for him. Please join us in prayers and in hoping that he will have more time to focus on writing.
8.    Finally, and at this transitional phase, I call on every one of you to pray that the Holy Spirit to inspire the election of an appropriate Bishop for you. Please pray for me, personally and for our Chaldean Church, as it is going through difficult time. I am putting your diocese and the Chaldean church under the protection of Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help in this blessed Marian month.

“My love to all of you in Jesus Christ” (1Cor 16:24)