
16 ottobre 2012

The current situation of Christianity in the Middle East, especially Syria, after the Synod of the Middle East's Final Declaration (September 2012) and the Papal visit to Lebanon: Antoine Audo SJ Chaldean bishop of Aleppo

By Heythrop College

Centre for Eastern Christianity
Special Guest Lecture

The current situation of Christianity in the Middle East, especially Syria, after the Synod of the Middle East's Final Declaration (September 2012) and the Papal visit to Lebanon

Antoine Audo SJ
Chaldean bishop of Aleppo

Friday 19 October 2012

Marie Eugenie Room

Open to all
There is no charge for admission and no need to register in advance

For further information, please contact

Heythrop College, University of London, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN.

Antoine Audo sj, Chaldean Bishop of Aleppo, Syria. Born in Aleppo in 1946 he entered the Jesuits in 1969 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1979. He commenced his academic formation with a ‘licence de letters arabes’ from the University of Damascus, 1972, followed by a doctoral thesis at Paris III, Sorbonne, 1979. He completed his philosophical and theological formation with biblical studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome). and was for a time professor in biblical exegesis at Université Saint-Joseph and Université Saint-Esprit (Kaslik, Lebanon).
Bishop Audo has lectured at the Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College on a number of occasions in recent years, with papers published as ‘Eastern Christian Identity: A Catholic Perspective’, in The Catholic Church in the Contemporary Middle East, (eds), A.O’Mahony & J.Flannery, London, Melisende, (2010), pp. 19-38; ‘Isaac of Nineveh, John of Dalyatha and Eastern Spirituality’, One in Christ: a catholic ecumenical review, Vol. 44, 20.2, (2010), pp. 29-48. Other notable publications include: Zakî al-Arsouzî un arbe face a la modernité Université Saint-Joseph, Faculté des letters et des sciences humaines, Collection Hommes et Sociétés du proche-Orient, Beyrouth, Dar el-Machreq, 1988; ‘Approches théologiques du récit de Joseph dans Gn 37-50 et Coran sourate 12’ Proche Orient Chrétien (Jersualem) , Vol. 37, 1987, pp. 268-281; ‘Storia e prospettive dei cristiani in Iraq’, La Civiltà Cattolica (Rome) 2008, (issue 3787) no. II, pp. 85-93; ‘Les chrétiens d’Iraq: Histoire et perspectives’, in: Études (Paris), Vol. 40, no.8, 2008, pp. 209-318; ‘Isaac de Ninive, Jean de Dalyatha et la spiritualité orientale’, in: Mélanges en mémoire de Mgr. Néophytos Edelby (1920-1995), Édités par PP. Nagi Edelby & Pierre Masri, Collection: Textes et Études sur l’Orient chrétien, Vol. 4, Beirut, Université St. Joseph, CEDRAC, 2005, pp. 43-62; ‘The Synod of Bishops: The Catholic Church in the Middle East’, One in Christ: a catholic ecumenical review, Vol. 44, 20.2, (2010), pp. 196-200; ‘Between Christians and Muslims a Pathway of Communion’ in: The Restless Middle East. Between political Revolts and confessionalTensions, Oasis 13 (2011)