
2 febbraio 2011

Christians in Iraq: Glück (ZDK) Germany must "take more refugees"


Yesterday, the Central Committee of German Catholics (Zdk) made an appeal to the Federal Government, asking Germany to take more Iraqi Christians.
“Of course, Germany has already taken 2,500 refugees. But, because of such frightful figures, that 800,000 to 1.2 million Christians have left Iraq, the German Federal Republic cannot refuse to take more refugees”, states a letter written by the president, Alois Glück, to Chancellor, which was disclosed yesterday.
“Christians are in a state of emergency all over the world. So, it is all the more important for Germany to keep striving – Glück stated – to protect the affected people. Freedom of religion is a primary and inalienable human right”. So, the president of Zdk went on, because of the current developments “it is important and urgent for the Federal Government to put the respect of the rights of religious minorities on the agenda of its foreign, development and trade policies”. “This applies”, he concluded, “to Germany’s bilateral relations as well as to the EU’s external relations with other countries”.