
23 dicembre 2010

Iraq: Al Qaeda threatens Christians. Mgr. Warduni (Baghdad) "A sad reality"


“This is the sad reality experienced by our Christian communities”:
this is the comment made to SIR by the Chaldean Episcopal vicar of Baghdad, mgr. Shlemon Warduni, about Al Qaeda’s threats. “We will still celebrate Christmas, without holding the Midnight vigils and celebrating early in the morning of 25th December. The authorities are intensifying security measures, going on a round of all the churches to prepare the best safety measures for the places and the devotees”. “To the terrorists and to those who threaten us, we respond with peace and faith, as we have been taught by the Pope in his latest message for Peace, who I advise anyone to meditate on. The Koran too – mgr. Warduni concludes – has the values of freedom, tolerance and respect at heart. If we put into practice what unites us, peace will not be a mere mirage, it will be a certainty”.