
24 novembre 2010

Christians in Iraq: The EU parliament about issue a joint resolution


(Strasbourg) – Political groups within the European Parliament found agreement on the urgent resolution that will be voted on tomorrow abotu two “points that cannot be overlapped”: death penalty in Iraq, with special reference to the sentence against Tarek Aziz, and violence against the Christian communities in the Middle Eastern country (the two points were gathered into one text for technical reasons, since no more than three urgent resolutions may feature in any one round of ballots and some others had already been planned).
“Violent deeds against Christians in Iraq have escalated to impressive numbers and proportions”, explains MEP Mario Mauro, who promoted the initiative. “It is not a matter of identity, it is a battle for the defence of religious freedom everywhere across the world, which is the foundation of any other fundamental freedom”. Mauro lists the forms of persecution that Christians have to endure, the crimes, the violence against families who are forced to escape. “One million people of Christian faith have already had to leave their homes and take shelter in Syria and Jordan. Now it’s time for the EU to make its voice heard”, especially now that the definition of an economic and trade agreement with Iraq, which will be formalised in the next few months, is drawing near.