
21 ottobre 2010

Synod for the Middle East: Message, Mgr. Warduni (Iraq) "An appeal to peace and not to emigrate"


“An appeal to the world for peace in the Middle East and a reminder to Christians not to be afraid, to be firm in their faith”, if needed “through to martyrdom and not to emigrate elsewhere”.
This should be stated in the Final Message of the Episcopal Synod for the Middle East, which is currently being drafted by the Synodal Fathers, as reported to SIR by the Chaldean Patriarchal Vicar of Baghdad, mgr. Shlemon Warduni. “Staying to cooperate with one’s own countries for justice and for the common good – this is his warning – now that we go home, we will tell our devotees what we have said and that we have pledged to do all we can to improve the situation, so that Christians may live peacefully, give their testimony to their Muslim brothers, relying on the Word ‘I am always with you until the end”’.
This was also confirmed by mgr. Dimitrios Salachas, apostolic exarch for Catholics of the Byzantine rite living in Greece, who during a briefing today spoke of “an appeal to the political world for emigration and inclusion of those who leave their lands and to invoke peace and justice”.