
23 settembre 2010

Msgr. Harbouli (Chaldean bishop of Zakho) admitted to hospital five days ago

By Baghdadhope*

Msgr. Petrus Harbouli, the Chaldean bishop of Zakho (North Iraq) is in severe health conditions in the hospital of Dohuk where he was urgently admitted five days ago for a intracerebral hemorrhage but he is not more in danger of loosing his life as declared by the doctors.

"Sad and worried" has stated to be Msgr. Jacques Isaac, Chaldean Auxiliary bishop of Baghdad, to Baghdadhope speaking about the piece of news.
"We can only pray he can recover soon. This year has been tragic for the Chaldean church that already lost two bishops: Msgr. Youssef Ibrahim Sarraf, the bishop of Cairo who died on last December 31 and Msgr. Andraous Abouna who died on last July in Erbil. Both died after a long illness but this is not a consolation for us who lost two brothers in Christ. Knowing now that Msgr. Harbouli is not well is another shock. Only the prayers can help him and us in this sad moment."

"He is getting better". These are the words by Msgr. Shleimun Warduni, Chaldean auxiliary of Baghdad who visited Msgr. Harbouli yesterday and who referred to Baghdadhope that: "he has been moved from the intensive care unit to his room, he can speak and move the left part of his body with some difficulties but he cannot still move the right part. Doctors are optimistic and we hope and pray for his quick recovery".

Msgr. Petrus Hanna Harbouli is born in Zakho in 1946. In 1970 he was ordained priest and in 2002 bishop of Zakho diocese.