
6 settembre 2010

Mother Theresa of Calcutta recalled also in Baghdad

By Baghdadhope*

Mother Theresa of Calcutta's birth centenary was celebrated all over the world. It is sufficient to check the list of appointments for August 26 that, nation by nation, was published by Mother Teresa of Calcutta Center.
Among them, however, it lacks the one held in Baghdad. Maybe not because of an oversight but due to the inability of those living in that city to make long-term plans and to communicate them in due time.
In any case even in a city where projects are sometimes only hopes Mother Teresa was recalled in the Latin cathedral of Saint Joseph.
Participants to the mass were the Missionary Sisters of Charity who since 1991 manage in Baghdad, not far from the cathedral, an orphanage that houses about 30 orphans and children with severe disabilities, many other nuns of various orders, Msgr. Shleimun Warduni, Chaldean patriarch vicar of the city and Father Ghadir O.C.D who celebrated the Mass.

During last week there have been also, as reported by Msgr. Warduni to Baghdadhope, two important meetings.
The first involved 250 young people who gathered in the Sacred Heart Chaldean church in Baghdad to discuss the forthcoming Synod of Catholic churches in the Middle East to be held in Rome in October.
The second concerned the people in charge of the Fraternity of "Charity and Joy" founded in 1989 by Msgr. Faraj Paulus Rahho, the Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul kidnapped and killed in 2008 and by Imad Haseeb who still directs it along with Mons. Warduni.
The fraternity is based in Mosul, Baghdad, Basra, Dohuk and Erbil and in the capital supports both materially and spiritually about 150 people with disabilities.