
1 luglio 2010

Iraq; violence is decreasing, Mgr. Warduni (Baghdad) "keep alert, and a strong government now"

By SIR July 1 2010

Violence is decreasing in Iraq. According to figures published yesterday by the Defence, Health and Interior Ministers, the number of Iraqis killed in violent actions last June was 284 (204 civilian, 50 policemen and 30 military), less than the 437 killed in June 2009. The figure is also lower than that of May when 337 people were killed, with as many as 275 civilians among them. The number of injured people is also decreasing: 610 in June 2010 versus 718 in May. As to the US army, figures from the independent website show that, with the ten soldiers who died last month, 4409 US soldiers have been killed since 2003. US and Iraqi officers have warned against the dangers of a fresh outbreak of violence, if negotiations for the establishment of a new government last far too long, thus giving the rebel groups the chance to destabilise the country.
"Violence has decreased - states to SIR the Chaldean Patriarchal Vicar of Baghdad, mgr. Shlemon Warduni - but we must keep alert and do not lower the guard. Terrorist attacks are going on, even if with fewer victims, but does not mean that terrorism has been defeated, nor has fear. There is always fear of a car bomb or a kamikaze making you blow up”. “People must be alert – the prelate warns – and above all they must work hard to establish a new Government that must be strong and supported by all the Iraqis who are tired of this life and are even scared of the future. And this is not acceptable, we must live in the hope of rebuilding Iraq”. A work that is made difficult by the neighbouring countries, “which still let the terrorist cross the borders and which want to use the assets of our country”. An uneasy situation, in which “our Christian communities do not fail to give their contribution in terms of facts and hope, despite many sufferings. The Iraqi Church is alive, as proven by the Chaldean nuns who will take their vows in Karamles tomorrow and by the ordination of the new bishop of Erbil, mgr. Bashar Warda”.