
2 maggio 2010

Students' buses attack: update. The outrage of Msgr. Warduni

By Baghdadhope*

Father Rayan Atto,who rushed to the hospital in Erbil as soon as he had the news of the buses attack reconstructed for Baghdadhope what happened this morning."Every morning about 20 buses carrying students - not just those from Qaraqosh - leave the village to Mosul for university classes. This morning, along the road between the interforces first checkpoint and the second one operated by the Government of Iraq, two car bombs hit 4 buses of the convoy. A student who was travelling in a bus that was following those hit by the explosion told me to have literally seen them "blowing up." Currently 19 students have been admitted in three hospitals in Erbil including a girl in very bad condition because injured in her head and a dozen who are still waiting to undergo surgery. There are no final data on how many students were killed in the attack. There is much confusion. Many students were also hospitalized in Mosul, in Hamdaniya and in Qaraqosh. The first voices talk about 5 or 6 boys students killed but, again, we are not sure of these data."

"A tragedy. Another tragedy." So Msgr. Shleimun Warduni described the attack to Baghdadhope expressing his closeness to the victims' families but also his outrage at the continuing attacks against the Christian minority in Iraq. "There are political but especially religious reasons" said the prelate, "everyone knows that those buses are full of Christian students. The attack was not a mistake. Someone wants to hit the community to push it to leave the country. Christians love everyone and have everyone against."
"Why? I ask again. Another attack, other people dying. Why? The world must know what is going on. It must know that the attack to the buses is an attack to the will of the Christian community to stay put in Iraq and to contribute to its future. The students are the future of the country and is being destroyed. Where the weapons and the explosives come from? Why there is such a desire to sow evil? The world must know, must feel outraged and help us to remain living in our country."
As for news updates Msgr.Warduni reported of two students killed in the attack.