
24 maggio 2010

Msgr. Warduni (Baghdad) "A joy for the Chaldean Church the appointment of a new bishop for Erbil"

By Baghdadhope*

In a statement to Baghdadhope, Msgr. Shleimun Warduni, Patriarchal Vicar of Baghdad welcomed the appointment of Father Bashar Warda as Bishop of Arbil.
"It 's a joy for the Chaldean Church. With the emigration of many faithful to Erbil as a result of the violence that hit the Christian community throughout the country, the diocese has become increasingly important. We must not forget that the major seminary of St Peter and the Babel College were transferred in Erbil for security reasons. These institutions were, infact, in the Baghdad area of Dora that for a long time became very dangerous for Christians living and studying there and where we hope they can be established again with the arrival pf the peace."
"The diocese," continued Msgr. Warduni "was ruled since the disappearance of Msgr. Jacoub Denha Scher in 2007 by Msgr.Rabban Alqas, bishop of Amadhiya, as patriarchal administrator and who was for this reason overburdened with work. The appointment of a new bishop was necessary and the choice was, to our satisfaction, on Father Bashar who made so much for the good of the church. We wish to Msgr. Alqas a good work in his diocese and we thank him for the work done in Erbil, and to Msgr. Warda we wish our cordial -good luck-"