
23 febbraio 2010

Msgr. Warduni. "Where is the conscience?" Two other Christians killed in Mosul

By Baghdadhope*

Again terrible news from Mosul.
Msgr. Shleimun Warduni, Chaldean Patriarchal Vicar, by telephone from Baghdad reported to Baghdadhope the piece of news of the killing in cold blood of two Christian boys. The boys, two brothers of a Syriac Catholic priest, Father Mazen Ishoa who was kidnapped in October 2007 and later released, were killed in their home in Mosul by unknown individuals who raided it to commit the crime. There are still no official news but Msgr. Warduni said that maybe also the boys and priest's father was victim of the attack.
"We need to move the conscience of everyone" said Msgr. Warduni repeating the appeal he launched a few days ago to do something to stop the "massacre of Christians in Mosul."
"Where is the conscience?" urges the prelate, "Where is life? where are human rights?" "What is Man if two innocent boys can be killed in their house?" The situation in Mosul is "of great danger. Who commit these crimes and why?"
Many questions, no aswers.
That things are coming into a head in Mosul is also clear from the news that Msgr. Warduni confirms that all the Christian students enrolled at the University of Mosul and who come from nearby villages are not attending classes for fear of attacks as already happened in early January when to be targeted with explosive devices were the buses that transport them to the city.