
21 gennaio 2010

Sara Basam. 8 years old. Severely injured in Mosul

By Baghdadhope*

Source of the news:

According to the website an explosive device exploded this afternoon in the neighborhood of Hay Al Sa'a in Mosul in front of a house inhabited by a Christian family, seriously injuring Sara Basam, an eight years old child. (
An umpteenth episode of violence against the Christian community of Mosul that doesn't know how to defend itself if the testimonies according to which by command of the governor of the city, Abdul Aziz Athiel An-Nujaifi, security forces are preventing Christians to leave the city to go to the villages in the Nineveh Plain, the buffer zone claimed by Arabs and Kurds that has a strong Christian presence. (2)
In the meanwhile the customary declarations about the situation in Mosul started. So the council of bishops of Mosul issued a letter of condemnation of all acts of violence defined as an insult to God, asking at the same time to the Christian community to have faith and patience knowing that these attacks will not destroy the model of coexistence among the different religions that Mosul has been in the past. (3)
Similar words were expressed during a meeting organized by the governor of Mosul and the chairman of the Nineveh provincial council, Jabor Al-Abid, among Christian and Muslim religious figures, tribal leaders and dignitaries of the city. Of the belonging of the Christian community to the city fabric and of the contribution it has given to its history spoke Athiel An-Nujaifi Abdul Aziz who also urged the security forces to maintain security in the city and to protect Christians and their places of worship. (4)
Slightly different are the words of the declaration made by the Patriarch of the Chaldean Church, Cardinal Mar Emmanuel III Delly received and reported by Cardinal Delly avoided making specific reference to the violence affecting the Christians preferring to keep a low profile by speaking of all the victims: "sons of the great Iraqi family" never specifically mentioning its Christian component. (5)