
16 giugno 2009

Iraq: Death penalty, Mgr. Sako (Kirkuk) "A horrible deed to be abolished"

Source: SIR

“Problems are not solved by death penalty. There are prisons and other ways to pursue justice. Life is the greatest thing”. With these words, the archbishop of Kirkuk, mgr. Louis Sako, comments for SIR the current presidency of the EU condemning Baghdad’s government for the news that “about twenty executions” seem to have been performed “over the last few days”, while “new mass executions” are being prepared.
“Death penalty is a horrible deed – denounces mgr. Sako – It is humanly and spiritually unjustifiable. It is an offence to life and to the Maker. God confides in evil men too to be converted. Problems are not solved by death”. “Iraq is going through a still unstable situation. Some improvements have been made, but abductions, explosions and murders continue. Iraq must move towards a constitutional state, and to do this it takes time, reconciliation and educating people and consciences to avoid retaliations”. “I think – the archbishop concludes – that the international community should force every country to abolish death penalty, which is a shame for the whole of mankind”.