
5 aprile 2009

Mar Qardagh Chaldean church in Erbil: 'We have set our hope on the living God'

By Baghdadhope

The Holy Mass Pope Benedict XVI celebrated in St. Peter in Rome in occasion of the fourth anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II was followed in Iraq too. Among those who could listen to the voice of the pontiff aired by satellite channels there have been the faithful of the Catholic Chaldean church of Mar Qardagh in Erbil where the parish priest, Father Rayan P. Atto, for having studied in Italy could act as interpreter. To organize the meeting in memory of Pope John Paul II Father Atto and the youngs who last year took part in the WYD in Sydney and, as the the same priest told to Baghdadhope, who hope to repeat that experience for the next WYD in Madrid in 2011.
"We read in the church Pope Benedict XVI’s message for the celebration at the diocesan level of the XXIV World Youth Day and we reflected on St. Paul’s words: 'We have set our hope on the living God'. Hope, joy, and the desire to be witnesses of Christ are the things that inspire our people, especially young people. "
Father Atto, we are now close to Easter, how do you celebrate it?
"The liturgy of the Easter in the Chaldean church differs slightly from that of Catholic churches not of Eastern tradition. At Holy Thursday we have the Holy Mass, the washing of the feet ceremony and a Chaldean one that recalls the capture of Jesus. On Good Friday another Chaldean ceremony reminds us of the passion, the death and the burial of Our Lord. The Holy Saturday is marked by the vespers, (Ramsha) by the Holy Mass celebrated at 10.00 p.m. and by the representation (Gayasa) that predeces it of the dispute between the redeemed thief and the cherub who doesn’t want to let him into the Paradise and who is convinved by the Cross the redeemed thief brings with him and by his words: 'It is His cross that I brought to you as a sign, look at it if it’s genuine and do not be angry'. Masses on Sunday and Monday will conclude the Easter liturgy."
Father Atto, how is the situation in Erbil?
"I would say good, despite the obvious difficulties that still exist. Now that the situation in Baghdad has improved, although it is still not normal, many Christian families who had left the capital returned there to sell their homes and move permanently to Erbil or to Ankawa. We all pray that all these little signs of normality are the start of a new life for all Iraq."