Source Ankawa.com
In the Syriac Catholic Church of Our Lady of Assumption in Beirut took place the enthronement ceremony of the new Patriarch Mar Ignatius Joseph Younan III who was appointed during the synod held in Rome on last January.
Many political and ecclesiastic personalities were present at the ceremony.
For the Syriac Catholic Church there was Mar Ignatius Daoud Musa, Patriarch Emeritus who chaired the celebration with Mar Antoine Rabula Beylouni, Archbishop Emeritus of Aleppo of the Syriacs and Titular of see of Mardin of the Syriacs, and Mar Athanase Shaba Mati Matoka, Archbishop of Baghdad of the Syriacs. Mar Jacub Behnam Hindi, Archbishop of Hassaké-Nisibi of the Syriacs, Mar Theophilus Georges Kassab, Archbishop of Homs, Hama and Nabk of the Syriacs, Mar Gregorius Elias Tabi, Coadjutor Bishop of Damascus of the Syriacs, Mar Jules Michael Al-Jamil, Archbishop of Takrit of Siryacs, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Syrian Catholic Patriarchate (Lebanon) and Procurator of the Syriac Catholic Church to the Holy See, Mar Flavien Joseph Melki, Bishop of Dara of the Syriacs and Auxiliary of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon), Mar Gregorius Butros Melki, Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem, Palestine and Jordan and Auxiliary of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon), Mar Jacques Georges Habib Hafouri, Archbishop Emeritus of Hassaké-Nisibi of the Syriacs, Mar Basilius George Alqas Musa, Archbishop of Mosul of the Syriacs, Mar Denys Antoine Chahda, Patriarchal Vicar of the Syriacs of Aleppo, Mar Iwannis Louis Awad, Vicar Apostolic of Venezuela for the faithful of Eastern Syriac rite and titular of the see of Zeugma (Syria), Mar Joseph Clement Hannouche, Bishop of Cairo and Patriarchal Vicar for the Sudan.
For the Maronite church of Antioch there was the Patriarch Cardinal Nasrallah P. Sfeir, for the Coptic Catholic Church the Patriarch of Alexandria (Egypt) Mgr. Antonios Naguib, for the Armenian Catholic Church the Patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians Archbishop Nerses Bedros XIX (Boutros) Tarmouni, for the Syriac Malankara Church Mar Julios Abraham, for the Chaldean Church Mar Mikha P. Maqdassi, bishop of Alqosh, Mar Petrous H. Harbouli, bishop of Dohuk and Mar Louis Sako, archbishop of Kirkuk, Mar Antoine Audo bishop of Aleppo (Syria), for the Roman Catholic Church the Patriarch Emeritus of Jerusalem, Archbishop Michel Sabbah, the Apostolic Nuncio in Lebanon, Monsignor Luigi Gatti, the Vatican charge d'affaires in Damascus, Monsignor Andrzej Jozwowcz and Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
Also present were many Lebanese politicians and representatives of the Army and Abdallah Al Naufali, head of governmental affairs for non-Muslims in Iraq.
For a report of the ceremony: New Syrian Catholic patriarch installed in Lebanon by By Doreen Abi Raad Catholic News Service in Beirut