
23 febbraio 2009

Middle East: S. Khalil (Islamic scholar) "Ministry of the arab world to stop Christian emigration"

Source: SIR

"To stop the flight of Christians from the Middle East, a ministry of the Arab world is needed.” This is the opinion of the world-famous Islamic scholar, the Jesuit Samir Khalil Samir, who outlined in an interview with the SIR the future of Christians in the Middle East. “We are weak not only because of the Muslims, but also because of our divisions, for the lack of global vision. We need a common policy to build a project not against but with Muslims,” said the scholar according to whom the recent proposal to hold a Synod on Christians in the Middle East is “justified, because if we tackle the problem of emigration each one for himself, we will never find a solution. Our goal is to create a common city, a common civilisation, to pursue together the project of a society supporting the weakest, without extremism,” he said. Nevertheless, the future of Christians in the Middle East “is also linked to the internal fight within the Muslim world about the separation of religion from politics. In a word it is linked to laity. Christians are the strongest supporters of laity which means freedom. Many Muslims, on the contrary, are interpreting it as atheism.” “The end of Christianity in the Middle East won’t lead to the victory of Islam. The latter may expel what is different, but without diversity it will go backwards,” the Jesuit concluded.