
9 gennaio 2009

Gaza. Warduni (Baghdad) "Stop the slaughter, in the name of God!"

Source: SIR

January, 8. “Stop the slaughter in the name of God!” It is the sorrowful appeal of those who have been living for years “with violence and death.” In this way Mgr Shlemon Warduni, Patriarchal Vicar of Baghdad, explains the ongoing conflict in Gaza. “Those who have suffered from war and injustice now impose the same actions on others. This is true for both Palestinians and Israelis.” “For this reason,” adds the Vicar “we have to raise our voice to say ‘no’, this is not the way to react. I wonder how one can be so disrespectful of vulnerable and innocent children and women. Israeli people have experienced a terrible war. So have Palestinians. Nevertheless, they are still engaged in war.” “Suffering does not make any distinction of citizenship, religion or ethnic group, it strikes everyone both Iraqi and Gaza children. Unfortunately, violence is forcing them to play a cruel slaughter game. The current war in Gaza is damaging everyone and is causing innocent victims.”
“The past Christmas festivities have brought some joy here in Iraq,” concludes Mgr Warduni “and we were able to celebrate Christmas without major problems.” “Unfortunately, what is happening in Gaza is horrible and that is why we are in distress.”