
19 dicembre 2008

Still in the hands of their abductors the two Italian nuns. One of them is the sister of Don Fredo Olivero, a friend of Iraqi Christians.

By Baghdadhope

As Christmas is approaching Baghdadhope breaks news blackout, maintained until now as required, on what happened to Don Fredo Olivero, Director of the Pastoral Migrants Office of Turin diocese (Italy) and, as far as we are concerned, the protagonist in recent years of some projects aimed at supporting the Iraqi Christian community: the abduction in Kenya of his sister, Sister Maria Teresa Olivero, still in the hands of her abductors along with Sister Rinuccia Giraudo since November 9.
Some friends of Don Fredo began a collection of signatures on Internet aimed at urging the Italian government to conclude as soon as possible the negotiations for the release of the two sisters, in addition to those that have already been and will be collected in Turin diocese.

This is the text of the appeal posted on chiccodisenape:

We urge the Italian government to exert maximum effort for the release of Sister Maria Teresa Olivero and Sister Caterina "Rinuccia" Giraudo abducted in Kenya on November 9, 2008.

To show your support, you can sign this text, sending an e-mail to or leaving a comment to the post with your name, city and nation of residence clicking here.