
18 dicembre 2008

Jordan: The Christmas of Iraqi refugees, Moussalli (Chaldean Vicar) "they are waiting for the Pope"

Source: SIR

Christmas celebrations for Christian Iraqi refugees in Jordan. They are prepared by the Chaldean episcopate of Jordan through its vicar, Father Raymond Moussalli: “We are setting up midnight Masses and Christmas Masses in Amman, to welcome as many believers as possible – said the vicar to SIR; - the rite will be the Chaldean one. However, other churches will also celebrate Christmas, according to their traditions”. “We don't know how many people will take part in the services. Many people, at least 2,000, have already left or are about to leave, above all from the United States, where they received entry visas. At present, the Iraqi Christians all over Jordan are a high number, 12 thousand people”. To relieve the sufferings of those Christians escaping from “the persecution and horror of violence”, he added, “we are gathering material aids to be given to families as presents in these days, as Christmas gifts. Santa Claus will arrive and give children toys and sweets. Christmas is their feast; cheering them up means also bringing relief to their families”. “However, the best relief for these Iraqi brothers – pointed out Moussalli - is knowing that Benedict XVI is arriving in the Holy Land in 2009. This visit, which might include Jordan, too, is the best Christmas gift. We hope that Benedict XVI may meet the Iraqi children as well as some refugee families”.