
26 novembre 2008

Iraq: Warduni (Baghdad) "The Pope prays for Christians and for peace and carries Iraq in his heart"

Source: SIR

“Iraq is in our hearts. We always remember the Christians, we are praying for them and for peace in the country.” With these words, Benedict XVI greeted the Patriarchal Vicar of Baghdad, Mgr Shlemon Warduni, at the end of today’s audience. The Chaldean vicar told the SIR: “The Pope has shown a deep interest in the Iraqi cause and wanted to know how are Christians in our country. I brought him the greetings of all our communities, especially the one of Mosul that for several weeks has been suffering persecutions and is fleeing the city to escape violence. The meeting lasted only few minutes, but I had the certainty the Pontiff knows and is concerned about what is happening in Iraq.”
“Benedict XVI’s words – declared Mgr Warduni – are giving us hope in this time leading up to Christmas. Next Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent and we have organised a three-day solidarity retreat in our parish, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. We will have a conference on the Virgin Mary on Friday, a meeting for children, young people and university students on Saturday and big party with a lottery on Sunday to raise money to buy a school bus to carry children to school.”