
8 ottobre 2008

Appeal from Mosul: "We are dying"

By Baghdadhope

"Estamos muriendo", este es el llamado que se hace desde Mosul par Temas de interés católicos blogspot

Appel des chrétiens de Mossoul : «Nous sommes en train de mourir» Zenit

Llamamiento de los cristianos iraquíes: “¡Estamos muriendo!” Zenit

The city of Mosul is again on the international scene for wave of violence that hit its Christian community in recent weeks. Both Msgr. Philip Najim, the Procurator of the Chaldean Church to the Holy See and Msgr. Louis Sako, the Chaldean archbishop of Kirkuk appealed today for the stop of the violence. To their heartfelt words we must add now those that Father Amer Youkhanna, a priest from Mosul now living in Rome said to Baghdadhope: "The people I talked to today in Mosul told me that they have no other words to define what is happening unless that it is an extermination. We are dying, they told me, and we need our voice be heard. The families that remained in Mosul have no money to flee, thay don't know where to go, and so they remain here, locked in their homes waiting. It 's a terrible situation, perhaps never before now the Christian community in Mosul experienced such a period of terror. Who wants to establish the Islamic state in Iraq with Mosul as its capital wants the city no longer have even a Christian among its inhabitants. "