
8 ottobre 2008

Anti-Christian violence, Sako (Kirkuk) to the population of Mosul, ”Stop the attacks"

Source: SIR

The violence that over these days has affected Mosul, with the death of 6 Christians, including a disabled shopkeeper, has driven mgr. Louis Sako to make an appeal today, in his quality as the president of the Commission for Inter-Religious Dialogue of the Iraqi Bishops, to the city’s population.
“Mosul – states the text received by SIR – is an example of civilisation and cohabitation; that’s why its noble inhabitants should not let such deeds breach the rights of its peaceful inhabitants. This is a violation of the national unity, which demands that everyone be close to each other, especially in this predicament that sees our country occupied”.
“The Iraqi Christians – recalls mgr. Sako – want nothing but a dignified, peaceful life, they want to cooperate with everyone to build stability for the good of their country, as they have always done, all through their history. We ask all the men of good will – concludes the appeal – to condemn such attacks and make Christians stay in this historical city”.
Mgr. Sako’s appeal follows the one made, also today, by the Chaldean Procurator to the Holy See, Father Philip Najim, who speaks of “planned murders” of the Christians in Mosul and terrorised communities forced to leave the country.