
28 settembre 2008

Letter by the Chaldean Patriarch to Iraqi government

By Baghdadhope

Here is the text of the letter that the Patriarch Mar Emmanuel III Delly sent to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki. It was confirmed to Baghdadhope by the Chaldean Patriarch Vicar, Mgr. Shleimun Warduni, that identical letters were sent to the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, the two Vice Presidents Abdel Abdel Mahdi and Tareq Al Hashimi, the President of Parliament, Mahmoud Al Mashadani, and the religious Shi'a leader Ayatollah Ali Al Sistani.
Below is the original version of the letter. It has been translated into Italian by Mgr.Philip Najim, the Procurator of the Chaldean Church to the Holy See and adapted by Baghdadhope.

Following is the English translation by Baghdadhope who advises its readers to check English/American websites for a more precise direct translation from Arabic into English.

To His Excellency Nouri Al Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq,
a sincere wish for peace and health.

As it is known Christians are the oldest original people of Iraq, and history bears witness to their fidelity in the service and the defense of the homeland and their being its sons, faithful in their duty.

With your wise administration we feel equal to all other components of the country without any discrimination, but the revoke by the parliament of art.50 of the Iraqi Provincial Election Law concerning the representativeness of minorities within the quotas previously established, came as a shock to us. We consider this revocation an injustice against us and for our representation and participation in the society of the new democratic Iraq.

His Excellency, we hope the injustices and the forced emigration that hit us, the Christians, can be considered.

We hope that our right government under your wise leadership look with a right eye to the above mentioned article so that it is not revoked.

We confirm to His Excellency our imperishable commitment to our patriotic duties and our supplication to God Almighty is that he gives you health and success.

Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly
Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans
President of the Episcopal Conference