
15 luglio 2008

"Group Iraq for peace". The mirage of Sydney

By Baghdadhope

“We are lost!”
It’s midday and the 21 persons of the "Group Iraq for peace” ready to leave for Sydney are gathered in the Bishopric House of Erbil
Shouldn’t you be in the airport by now?
“We are lost!” repeats Fr. Rayan P. Atto, “we went to the airport but there we were called by the travel agency telling us that our flight has been cancelled”
The flight from Erbil to Dubai?
“No. Our flight had to be Erbil-Dubai-Singapore-Sydney but the last one was cancelled.”
How did it happen?
“We still don’t know exactly. It seems that the flight was not confirmed and there are no seats. We had to be the last arriving in Sydney, but it seems that we’ll be the absent there. It’s really a pity.”

3.30 p.m.
Any new hope, Fr.Rayan?
"They told us they are still working. What can I say? We hope, really we hope"

Father Rayan is right. It’s really a pity. The dream is fading!