
23 aprile 2008

Iraq: Warduni (Baghdad) "The country cannot lose its Christians"

Source: SIR

“I am glad to learn about the requests that some countries of the European union have made to us about taking in Europe the Iraqi Christian refugees, but we must also work so that Christians will never have to leave Iraq again”.
This was stated to SIR by the auxiliary bishop of Baghdad, mgr. Shlemon Warduni, who warns: “the country risks losing its Christians, unless we work to ensure them, as well as to all the population, security and stability”. According to the bishop, it is “more urgent than ever to help the hundreds of thousands of Christian refugees who are scattered all over Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other neighbouring countries. They might find a form of accommodation that is respectful of their human dignity in the European countries, while they wait to go back to Iraq when the situation so allows”. At the same time, “the international community and the Iraqi Government must do all they can to give security and stability to the Christians who are in Iraq, as well as to all the poor population, tormented by this war. It is essential – he concludes – that Christians remain in the country and those who are outside, uprooted, may come back to their homes, to their jobs, to their loved ones”.