
22 aprile 2008

Iraq: Mauro (EP) "Enforcing the resolution on the persecution of Christian communities"

Source: SIR

"The situation of refugees in Iraq is getting worse all the time; every passing day, cases of violence and victims, who are mostly Christians, increase". This is the umpteenth denunciation from the deputy president of the European Parliament, Mario Mauro, who thus joins the appeal for accommodating refugees that was submitted by the German Federal Minister of the Interior, Wolfgang Schaeuble.
"The international institutions, the European Union and the United Nations, along with the other EU member states, should at last enforce the Resolution on the persecution of Christian communities and other religious communities all over the world, which was passed on November 12th last year – he goes on – We cannot deny that the situation of the Christian community in Iraq is particularly at risk", concludes the MEP, who also replies to the statements of the Slovenian Minister Dragutin Mate, according to whom no preferential corridor should be created for Christians. “The figures – says Mauro – speak loud; they are a preferential target and are certainly the most vulnerable minority in the Middle East”. Over the last few days, approximately 4,000 people had rallied in Brussels to protest against the rise in violence against Christians in Iraq.