
7 aprile 2008

Iraq, killed priest. Najim (Proc. to the Holy See) "Find the culprits"

Source: SIR

Translated by Baghdadhope

"By killing him they wanted to hit its commitment in the fields of dialogue, tolerance and reconciliation which are the values Iraq needs. The tactic is to divide Iraqi people. " The Chaldean procurator to the Holy See, Father Philip Najim, recalls by these words the Syriac Orthodox priest, Adel Youssef, killed last April 5 in Baghdad and the funeral ceremony of whom was celebrated yesterday in Baghdad in the presence of many Christian representatives . Father Adel was the director of a school attended by Christians and Muslims students. "I myself studied in Chaldean schools where most students were Muslim - said to the Procurator to Sir - schools are open to all in order to give a service to the country. There is no distinction between Christians, Catholics, Muslims. They are example of coexistence that today the criminals want to destroy. " "The government can't ensure security - he continues - every day many persons are killed and the culprits of those killings will never be found. This is what is happening for Mgr. Rahho, the archbishop of Mosul. It can't be declared that the kidnappers of Mgr. Rahho have been ensured to justice and weeks after no one knows how far the investigations progessed. The government must give answers to the international community, the Iraqi people and the Chaldean church, it is a question of credibility. "

Soon the full text of the interview to SIR