
12 marzo 2008

Bishop kidnapped in Iraq: Mons.Najim (Chaldean Procurator to the Holy See) "We do not have weapons"

Source: SIR

Translated by Baghdadhope

"Iraq is a rich country, it does not need money, it has everything, even the faith, it is the country of Abraham. Sadly its people continue to suffer"
these the words by the Chaldean prosecutor to the Holy See, Mgr. Philip Najim, during the Holy Mass celebrated today in Rome, in the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs, for the Archbishop of Mosul, Mgr. Paulos Faraj Rahho, kidnapped on February 29, and to ask for his release.
"Many Iraqis have been forced to leave their home, their beloved ones, their jobs - said Najim - our government is weak and we pray that God give it the strength to protect all the people." To this prayer, the procurator added the one dedicated to the kidnappers of Mgr. Rahho, because "Lord enlightens their minds and they release our beloved bishop" and that they may ask to themselves what kind of “Church they are facing, if there are men ready to give their life for it." The reference is clerly to the three young men who were with the bishop at the time of the kidnapping and were killed by fire arms. "We Christians do not have arms to defend ourselves - continued Mgr. Najim - but only faith and believers ready to give their blood for the Iraqi Church that is alive." "Our country - he concluded - needs peace, it is the responsibility of everyone, Shiites, Sunnis, Christians, Kurds to promote it through reconciliation and mutual love. Let’s work then for a strong and united Iraq, without violence, without party interests". To attend the Chaldean rite in Aramaic, there was the Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See, Albert Edward Ismail Yelda and the Syriac Catholic Procurator to the Holy See. "The Iraqi government - told the Ambassador to Sir - strongly condemns the abduction and is concerned about the plight of Iraqi Christians as it considers them a very important part of the Iraqi people. At the same time it is doing everything is possible to secure the release of Mgr. Rahho and is working to give security guarantees to Christians and to churches. The situation is complicated but the Ministry of Interior is activated. "
Today throughout Iraq Holy Masses were celebrated for Mgr.Rahho and three young dead men.