
7 marzo 2008

Bishop abducted in Iraq: Sako (Kirkuk) and Warduni (Baghdad), "No news"

Source: SIR

“No news. The money ransom is huge and they won’t let him speak. We have no signs, no evidence he may be alive. The situation is bad, but hope and prayer do not fail us. We are also reassured by the sympathy and solidarity of the Muslim authorities of Kirkuk, Mosul and Baghdad. Tonight in the Cathedral of Kirkuk we will celebrate the Way of the Cross for his release”. This is the concise statement made to SIR by the bishop of Kirkuk, mgr. Louis Sako, about the current negotiations for the release of the archbishop of Mosul, mgr. Rahho, who was abducted on 29th February. “The fact there are no news” has been confirmed, also to SIR, by mgr. Shlemon Warduni, auxiliary bishop of Baghdad who made a new appeal to “pray for mgr. Rahho” and to be “cautious when publishing any news”.