
20 febbraio 2008

Mgr. Sleiman (Baghdad): "Christians in danger of disappearing"

Source: SIR

Translated by Baghdadhope

"The situation is critical. Iraqi Christians are afraid of tomorrow. They live a tragedy that ends with their exile. Concern for the disappearance of Christians from Iraq is founded".
To denounce it is Mgr. Jean Benjamin Sleiman, Latin Archbishop of Baghdad who spoke today in occasion of the seminar “Christians of the East" sponsored by the community of St. Egidio. Sectarian violence, instability and lack of security led many Christians to find refuge in Syria, in Jordan and in Iraqi Kurdistan. "The majority is living hard times - explained the bishop to Sir – they did not find work and it is soon to talk about returning home. Someone is trying to go back but only few of the total. There is a psychological suffering since returning means having achieved nothing. To leave, many of them sold everything and left work and it is difficult to find a new one. Someone is forced to return because expelled by the hosting country." "The feeling among Christian refugees Christians - he added - is to have lost the ties with their own country, with its culture. Many come to say 'this is not more my land '. There is a slight improvement in security, but violence continues in various forms."