
20 febbraio 2008

Baghdadhope: 10000 visitors in 436 day. Thanks to you all!

When, on October 3, 2005, I created the blogspot BAGHDADHOPE I thought it would serve as a diary of the events concerning the Chaldean Christian community in Iraq. In the beginning, in fact, only a few people knew of its existence and I was not able to assess the interest of others in such a particolar subject. Since 11 December 2006, putting in the blogspot a visits counter I realized that the subject - the struggle for survival of a small minority Christian community overwhelmed by the events - has captured the attention of many people and many press agencies that eventually have appreciated the accuracy and timeliness of the news posted by Baghdadhope.
For this reason I want to thank my readers. Maybe some of them have linked the blog by mistake or maybe they did only once, but many, through continuous contact with it have shown a sincere interest in a topic that is close to my heart. Thanks to all of you 10000, Baghdadhope