
9 gennaio 2008

New bombs against Christian Churches in Iraq

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By Baghdadhope

According to web site (that has online the photos) this early afternoon in Kirkuk two carbombs exploded simultaneously near Sacred Heart Chaldean Church and Mar Ephrem Siro Orthodox Church.
According to
AINA agency three persons would be wounded by the explosions but the news is still to be checked because, as reported by Asia News “Church authorities are on the blast sites to ascertain damages to people and property.”
Always according to Asia News “This it the first time Kirkuk’s Christian community experiences this kind of violence. Thus far the city had been one of the most peaceful areas in the country.”

Unfortunately these are not the first attacks to the Christian comunity of the city. We remember the attack to Mar Gewargis, in november 2005 and those, also simultaneous, in January 2006 to the Chaldean Church of Virgin and, like today, to a Siro Orthodox Church.

Only yesterday the Patriarch of the Chaldean Church, Cardinal Mar Emmanuel III Delly, referring to the attacks occurred to the churches in Baghdad and Mosul two days before, declared to Reuters "This act was not specifically against Christians. The aim was to convince the world that so far there is no peace and security in Iraq,"
The Cardinal changed his attitude towards the violences against Christians, referring to them in May 2007 as
“persecution” and ascribing them to the general climate of violence that in Iraq hits everyone since last November, declaring during a press conference in Rome that “Their (Christians) sufferings are those of the Muslims and vice versa. Not only churches have been destroyed but mosques too, 134 of them, and carbombs don’t distinguish, killing regardless of ethnic and religious belonging.”
Peaceful words today harder to be understood by who wonders “Why to convince the world that there is no peace and security in Iraq 9 Christian places of worship have been attacked in only three days?”