
6 gennaio 2008

New attempts to churches in Iraq: Mosul and Baghdad

By Baghdadhope

According to the first news arrived to Baghdadhope from north Iraq, and confirmed from Baghdad by Mgr. Shleimun Warduni, Chaldean bishop of the capital city, some explosions occurred this morning near some churches in the country. “We thank God” commented Mgr. Warduni, “because there has been only one person injured, and it seems not severely.” The injured person should be the guard of an Orthodox Church that, according to the first news, has been hit by a missile. Only material damages, still to be evaluated, in the other 5 carbombs attempts.
The churches are:

in Mosul:
Chaldean Church of Saint paul
Nunnery of Dominican Sisters
Orphanage of the Chaldean Sisters.
in Baghdad:

Rum Orthodox Church (where the guard was injured)
Mar Ghorghis chaldean church in Ghadir area
Saint Paul Chaldean church in Zafaraniya area where, according to Mgr. Warduni, the carbomb has been discovered before its explosion and defused.
Little and confused news there are by now about the Chaldean sisters nunnery in Zafaraniya, also hit according to Baghdadhope,’s sources from north Iraq.
“It’s not a good thing” has been the short and discouraged comment by Mgr. Warduni in a telephonic declaration to Baghdadhope.

Baghdadhope waits to report of more news about the damages and the places of the explosions.