
15 gennaio 2008

Iraqi bishops ask the Italian government for support

Source: Asianews

The bishops of Arbil and Kirkuk have asked the Italian government for help in guaranteeing the security of the Iraqi people, including Christians. At a meeting with Gianni Vernetti, the Italian undersecretary for foreign affairs who was on a friendly visit to Iraq, bishop of Arbil, Mgr. Rabban al-Qas presented a complete overview of the work of the Chaldean Church in Kurdistan. Bishop Rabban is president of a school that serves 500 Christian and Muslim students. To Vernetti's question about "what Italy can do for the Christians in Iraq", the bishop replied that the problem for the Christians is the same as for the entire Iraqi people: security. Also present at the meeting was Mgr. Louis Sako, archbishop of Kirkuk.
Before this meeting Vernetti, accompanied by the Italian ambassador in Iraq, was able to speak with the authorities of Kurdistan, in particular with President Massoud Barzani, with whom he has a longstanding friendship. The Kurdish authorities asked Italy to exert pressure on Turkey