
23 gennaio 2008

“I have a new friend: an Iraqi Chaldean priest”

Source: Pastoral Migrants Office Archdiocese of Turin (Italy)

“The country where people bury their loved ones in the morning and are forced to forget them in the evening to make space in their memories to the next dead”

This paraphrase of a sentence of a famous song by Hassan Al-Rassam well describes the still tragic Iraqi situation. A common situation for all Iraqis, but particularly felt by the Christian people who, belonging to a minority, live every death as the umpteenth attempt to uproot them from Abraham’s land, their ancestral one.
The dire events that in the last years affected different countries and communities in the world diverted the attention of the media from Iraq, but the recent attacks to Christian worship places, (4 in Baghdad, 3 in Mosul and 2 in Kirkuk on January 2008) even if accurately planned not to kill anyone, testify how life for Iraqi Christians is still difficult and full of dangers.
For this reason, Pastoral Migrants Office of Archdiocese of Turin (Italy) renews, for FOR THE FIFHT CONSECUTIVE YEAR the project:

“I have a new friend: an Iraqi Chaldean priest”

to support economically 10 young Chaldean priests in Baghdad. The project, managed by Don Fredo Olivero, Director of the Pastoral Migrants Office of Archdiocese of Turin (Italy) and by the Chaldean priest Father Douglas Dawood (Al Bazi) in the past four years did not only give to 10 young priests a material support, but an equally important moral one too, as a proof of a commmitment that goes beyond the emergency.

To help the Chaldean priests in Baghdad or to ask for information, please contact:

Don Fredo Olivero
Ufficio Pastorale Migranti Arcidiocesi di Torino
Via Ceresole 42
10155 Torino