
10 dicembre 2007

Again deaths and threats in Basra and Mosul

Sources: Various

By Baghdadhope

A day of “celebration and great joy.” These the words by Mgr. Rabban Al Qas, Chaldean bishop of Amadhiya, reported by Asia News and that describe the atmosphere of a meeting held on December 7 with 300 young people from the diocese. During the meeting the bishop recalled the centrality of Mary in Man’s salvation, and underlined how it is important to not leave young people alone, especially considering the aggressive proselytism by evangelical groups that attract them promising jobs and money.”
If in Amadhiya it has been a day of joy it cannot be said the same for other areas of Iraq where life for Christians is still difficult. As in Basra, where two persons, brother and sister, have been killed, or in Mosul where not only a 24 years old Christian girl has been killed in the Nabi Yunis market by unknown gunmen who opened drive-by fire at her, but where leaflets of threats appeared in the University. According to what written on them three days will be given to Christian students to uniform their dresses to the dictates of the Islamic law.